Monday, March 31, 2008

Rot, got her stud

I was busy these past few days and I haven't written any yet since almost a week. I just got my dog stud this week. It’s a female Rottweiler. She was so cranky since the mail dog was too wriggly and maybe she’s too annoyed by that, plus the fact that the male rot was bigger and heavier than her. I'm quite bothered that she might accidentally bite the shooter. She used to be a very nice dog and she doesn’t frequently bark or howl. On her years with us it was my first time to see her so mad that she wanted to attack the male rot. It took us almost 20 minutes or more to get it done. I then realized being a shooter is not an easy task, knowing you'll do it with two temperamental dogs. Good thing the male rot was their pet. I made myself busy feeding my pet to catch her attention while the male rot was doing his thing. We didn't hire a shooter since the male rot's owner decided he'll be the one doing it. He even managed to that without having our dogs mouth shut. Imagine how scary that part was. He's too bold. We'll its fun and frightening at the same time. He was talking to his dog to relax while we're talking to ours to be patient.

We need to get her stud twice. But the second one is tougher than I thought. She's again so mad and it took us more than half an hour to get it done. Finally after 2 consecutive attempts we are done. Rottweilers are very sensitive when pregnant. She can't play and run anymore. We need her to be safe from distractions, hide her from cats of some neighbors. She's too mad and had killed cats before. She doesn't have her dog house since she had a place in the garage and used to play around there. It’s not good for her to run around the house so we need to tie her up. Today I'm taking good care of her and expect puppies after two months. These will be her first babies. I just hope they live since she had a miscarriage before. I always talk to her to keep her puppies safe in her tummy and don't move too much. I love her a lot and even if I used to be alone at home, her company doesn't make me feel like one. Now I need to mark my calendar for her delivery. I am now crossing my fingers to have puppies in June. I'll keep you guys posted.

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